Desh Ka Sapna Goal Apna

Strategy & Implementation Partner: The Football Link



Developed by The Football Link, F-Cube is the world’s first intelligent and interactive device for football and fitness training, skill assessment, cognitive development and practice

At the Zinc Football academy, the revolutionary F-Cube software is used to monitor and enhance performance of the players. F-Cube is a technology-driven holistic sports, health and fitness platform which was built to analyse the six basic skills required in football — dribbling, passing, heading, shooting, trapping and tackling.


F-Cube has a customised training curriculum under which every player’s response time, endurance, hand-eye coordination, communication, physical classification, foot-eye coordination, memory, agility, accuracy, among others, is reviewed and recorded.


Unlike traditional training methods, F-Cube focuses on digital engagement with photos, videos and games for effective communication. It is an attractive medium that draws the attention of children of all age groups and backgrounds.


F-Cube also acts as a video coaching platform that encourages children to take up football in schools. It helps in creating a standardized test to identify talented children while developing players’ mental and physical attributes.


The F-Cube machine continuously evaluates a player’s skillset and adjusts the difficulty level to make the game interesting. The game feels very real as it involves intense physical activity for short spells. For instance, in a five-minute game, a player can utilise 400 body muscles and burn more than 100 calories.


By using this highly advanced technology, two kinds of assessment reports can be generated — quantitative and qualitative. While a quantitative report is generated automatically by the device that indicates at the areas where a player excels and where he can improve, a qualitative report is created by the player’s coach based on the video generated by the F-Cube machine.


The F-Cube Analysis Report is the report generated for various defined parameters post a game on the F-Cube Machine.


  • CUBE SCORE: Total Score accumulated by a player based on his/her performance during the course of an F-Cube game.
  • NO. OF ATTEMPTS: Total number of shots attempted by the player on the Screen during the course of an F-Cube game.
  • HIT %: Percentage of shots which hit the target against the total shots which hit the screen.
  • BULLSEYE %: Percentage of shots which hit the centre of the target against the shots which hit the target.
  • PEAK LEVEL: Peak Level is the maximum level reached by the player during an F-Cube game.
  • RESPONSE TIME: Average Time taken by the player between two consecutive hits on the screen.
  • SHOT SPEED: Speed with which player shoots the ball on the screen.
  • ACCURACY: Average distance of hit from the centre of the target.


The Match Analysis Report is the report generated based on points given by an Evaluator for various defined parameters during the course of a Football game.


  • PASSING: Accuracy & Technique applied to pass the ball.
  • RECEIVING: Technique applied to receive/trap the ball.
  • HEADING: Accuracy & Technique applied to head the ball.
  • DRIBBLE/RWTB: Technique applied to maneuver the ball.
  • SHOOTING: Technique applied to attempt a shot.
  • COVER: Tactical understanding during defensive cover.
  • TACKLING: Technique applied to tackle an opponent.
  • STAMINA: Longevity of peak performance during game.
  • STRENGTH: Physical Strength displayed during game.
  • SPEED: Longevity of peak performance during game.
  • MOBILITY: Freedom of movement displayed by player.
  • DECISION MAKING: Ability to make correct decisions.
  • LEADERSHIP: Leadership qualities exhibited during game.
  • WORK RATE: Intensity exhibited for duration of game.
  • CREATIVITY: Ability to use different skills during game.
  • COMPOSURE: Ability to maintain calm under pressure.


The Video Analysis Report is the report generated post a game based on inputs received from the video recording the player’s performance.


  • BALL CONTROL: Ability to control/trap the ball when faced with bouncing/grounded/high ball.
  • DRIBBLING: Ability to manuever the ball through obstacles.
  • SHOOTING: Technique applied to kick the ball for a shot at the target.
  • ORIENTATION: Ability to quickly find the best possible position or reposition to shoot the ball.
  • ENDURANCE: Ability to shoot consistently for a signifcant duration.
  • AGILITY: Quickness in movement of the legs and upper body to trap the ball.
  • BALANCE: Ability to maintain body position when weight is distributed during play.
  • WORK RATE: Ability to continuously exhibit quickness in movement or when pressured.
  • COMPOSURE: Ability to maintain calm and collect self when faced with a pressure situation.
  • IMPROVISATION: Ability to create an opportunity by utilising a different technique than convention.


The Fitness, Personality & Education Analysis Report is the report generated for the overall holistic development of the child outside of conventional training parameters.


  • STRENGTH: Physical Musculature of the player.
  • SPEED: Quickness of the player.
  • BALANCE: Maintaining body position under pressure.
  • AGILITY: Reorienting appendages to varying stimuli.
  • TEAM WORK: Willingness to contribute to team.
  • DISCIPLINE: Regularity and timeliness.
  • ENDURANCE: Maintaining intensity during action.
  • BEHAVIOR: General Behavior towards Peers and Teachers.
  • LEADERSHIP: Willingness to take initiative.
  • COMMUNICATION: Getting messages across clearly.
  • CONFIDENCE: Undertaking task steadfastly.
  • INTELLIGENCE: Quickness in understanding a given task.
  • ACADEMICS: Scores achieved for various students.
  • MEMORY: Remembering patterns and generating recall.